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RTS 5000 Filtration System
For tough-to-handle, heavy mud applications, the RTS 5000 is the best filtration system yet for heavy dirt operations. A stainless steel filtration chamber incorporates inclined plate separators that drop solids into the RTS 5000’s built-in conveyor which drags the mud to an external hopper for easy disposal with a forklift. After the 850-gallon settling chamber, the wash water passes through oil coalescing media and is then pumped through a high-pressure, auto back-washing media filter and then through a polishing filter down to 5 microns. The RTS 5000 is used in applications where water cannons are knocking hopper loads of mud off of construction equipment. The RTS 5000 is frequently used with EST's above ground wash racks with optional built-in conveyors or with concrete pads.
One button GripStart operation
Only filtration system with built-in mud conveyor
850 gallons of mud settling
High pressure back washable media filter
PLC controlled
Automatic oil skimmer
Absolute filtration to 1 micron
Continuous recirculation
1/4 yard self dumping hopper

Equipment covered in mud, clay, debris, and oils
Municipal road vehicles, including salt trucks and street sweepers
Industrial and commercial vehicles
Fracking trucks and other oil field equipment
Rental equipment
Wier Dimensions
Process Rate
Delivery Pressure
Delivery Flow
915 gallons plus holding tank
3200 lbs dry
96" H x 60" W x 130" L
208, 240, 480, single or 3 phase
Up to 75 GPM
80-15,000 PSI
4-80 GPM
304 L stainless steel
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